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6 Wonderfully Creative + Budget Friendly Ways To Fill Your Floor Pillows and Poufs

28 Sep 2021
6 Wonderfully Creative + Budget Friendly Ways To Fill Your Floor Pillows and Poufs - Benisouk

So, now you’ve got your fabulous new one-of-a-kind Benisouk pouf and/or floor pillows. Isn't it gorgeous!? The burning question now is-how to stuff it? We’ve got six fabulously innovative secrets to stuffing your poufs that you do not want to miss! The best part is that our handy, simple tricks for filling poufs will save you a ton instead of using rather costly and ‘fast fashion’ fiberfill. Know that we here at Benisouk are always on the hunt to find the most creative, authentic, quality pieces for your special space. Handpicked, custom-made and carefully sourced from our loyal partners in Morocco. Read on if you are hooked and ready to decorate…

First things first-Benisouk’s Moroccan floor pillows or cushions (also called poufs) are exactly what you need to jazz up your home with some whimsical flair. Whether it be serving as a tabletop surface to set small items, filling up bland, empty floor space with eye-catching accents, creating a last-minute innovative picnic cushion space outside, adding innovative extra seating for small spaces, or creating a fabulous plush footrest, the great news is that there is a Moroccan pouf for everything. These lovely pieces are easy to place anywhere and can add a much-needed pop of color or a dash of abstract art to any room. Our handpicked poufs even make an ideal spot for meditation. And in case you are wondering, Benisouk also has the perfect pouf for you; whether it be a stunning vintage kilim or perhaps a vibrant, whimsical boucherouite; skillfully crafted with recycled fabrics. Regardless, Benisouk has a custom, handmade floor cushion for you…or two or three!

De-clutter Dance

Start by separating the larger, heavier pieces of fabric and stuff the pouf at the bottom center with this fabric. If you have old (clean!) towels destined for the donation pile, they work perfectly for this purpose. We all need to do our part to recycle in this day and age, right? However, do fold them neatly before stuffing into the pouf to avoid creating large gaps in the stuffing-balance and evenness are the keys here. And here’s another tip-if you have a small space and are searching for creative ways to store your clothes, consider changing up your floor cushion filling depending on the season. Sweaters, jeans, jackets in the summer and shorts, swim suits, t-shirts, etc. in the winter. Towels and even an old bed cover works wonders for spontaneous filling!

Grab Your Wooden Spoon

Spoons are no longer just for cooking! Large wooden utensils work perfectly to stuff tricky bits of fabric into place. Once your fabulous pouf is about half way filled, start using lighter fabrics and textiles to fill out the sides of the cushion. This will inevitably create a more streamlined result. Reminder that the bottom and center of the pillow should be filled with the heaviest fabrics to ensure the best support. Lighter fabrics should go on the outside to give the pouf a smooth finish. If your ultimate wish is a lighter fill, then stick to cushion inserts and/or spare pillows. Make sure you push the fill into the edges for a smooth finish…with your wooden spoon! Over time, your pouf will likely flatten, so it’s a great idea to occasionally re-pack and fluff up the fabrics. We recommend that you either wash and air out the textiles or change fabrics yearly.

Don’t Fall For This!

The most common mistake that people make when filling their own poufs is that they don’t stuff the cushions enough. The result is a floppy, sad looking pouf. You can avoid this design disaster by filling your floor cushion to the max!

Fiberfill Fancy

If your pouf is still lacking a finished shape, perhaps use a tiny bit of fiberfill or polyester stuffing to create that complete touch. These synthetic fabrics can be expensive, so just a little goes a long way to plump up your pouf.

Pro-Decorating Tip

2-3 stylishly cozy poufs can be functional and innovative as a small sofa, so don’t limit your options for these fabulous pieces. Poufs are even becoming a trendy item to use as a cool and funky pet bed; the choices are vast! Floor pillows elevate any home interior and create a unique, cozy home décor accent for any space, whether it be a living room, office, bedroom, or even an outside terrace.

Last Resort…

If you are cash-strapped, here’s an inexpensive, imaginative fix-consider even stuffing your pouf our floor pillow with shredded paper, disregarded junk mail, or even shredded newspaper. FYI, cardboard is too heavy for this option; you want the lightest paper possible to ensure that the result is airy and soft. Voilà; your DIY project is easily accomplished!

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